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Webster County School District

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Drug Free Communities (DFC)/True Blue

What is Webster County True Blue/DFC?

The Webster County True Blue Drug-Free Community was officially established in November 2017 when Webster County, Kentucky, ASAP, and Webster County Schools partnered to write a federal Drug-Free Communities Grant in the spring of 2017 and were notified in September they were awarded the $625,000 grant over a five-year period.  On August 18, 2022, a renewal Drug-Free Community (DFC) Support Program grant was awarded in the amount of $625,000 ($125,000 per year for five years). Webster County is one of four awarded in the state of Kentucky in 2022. The purpose of the grant is to provide the Webster County youth and community with drug prevention educational activities and resources. 

On December 12th, 2022, County Judge Executive, Steve Henry, with the approval of Webster County Fiscal Court, declared the first day of each month in 2023 to be "True Blue" Day in Webster County. All county residents are encouraged to wear blue on the 1st day of each month to promote and show support for the county's True Blue initiative which supports a drug-free Webster County.

Since its inception in 2017, True Blue has provided Character Counts training in Webster County Schools and organized faith-based and law enforcement groups around the True Blue initiative. True Blue has provided free anti-drug/alcohol/tobacco resources, training, and speakers in the community. Webster County residents are encouraged to participate in drug prevention education activities.


For more information, contact Melea Ramin, Coordinator at or 270-639-0383.


Check out the results from the 2024 Webster County Retail Scan Project by clicking through the slides below:

KY Retail by Amy Hill

True Blue/DFC Updates

True Blue Day is celebrated on the 1st of every month!

True Blue Day


Webster County KY-ASAP True Blue DFC has graduated from the National Coalition Academy. This was a year-long intensive training on drug prevention implementation in our community.


Look for the True Blue tent at community events!


5th Grade Dangers of Vaping Presentations by Green River District Health Department

5th grade

5th grade

5th grade