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Webster County School District

We create great possibilities for students!

Weather Guidelines

Flooding, wintry forecasts, severe weather, or poor road conditions can prompt Webster County Schools to change routines or daily schedules in the district. We make the announcements as soon as possible through ParentSquare, district and school social media sites, and local media outlets. Please make sure your child's school registrar has up-to-date phone numbers and emergency contacts for your family so you receive all ParentSquare alerts and notices.

Safety is our top priority and we have several options available to us, including using Link2Learn/NTI (non-traditional instruction) days, canceling school, delayed start, or early dismissal. 

Our goal is to let you know of changes as soon as possible, preferably the evening before the affected school day; however, sometimes we must make the decision early that morning. A team of district employees monitors the weather conditions along with meteorologists and local emergency personnel. Before making a decision, the roads, precipitation, temperatures, wind chills, current conditions, and the forecast are all considered. 

Conditions vary throughout Webster County. One end of the county might be clear while other areas of town are dangerous. Webster County Schools will make the best decision for the whole school community.