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Webster County School District

We create great possibilities for students!

Early Childhood/Preschool/Kindergarten

It is time for preschool preregistration for the new school year! 

If you have a child who will be 3 or 4 by August 1, 2024, please complete the form linked below to register your child for Preschool Screening. Someone will contact you for further information once your information is received. Questions? Please call 270-639-5083.

Preschool Preregistration Link

Age 3 – Head Start Qualifications:    
•    Must be 3 before August 1, 2023
•    Must be income eligible
•    3 yrs. Old with diagnosed delay or disability are eligible for preschool after their 3rd birthday.    

Age 3 or 4 - Preschool Qualifications:
•    Must be 4 before August 1, 2023
•    Must be income eligible or
•    Be 3 or 4 yrs. Old with diagnosed delay or disability

**Kentucky guidelines state that all At Risk Children are eligible for Preschool Services.  At-risk is defined as meeting state income guidelines or having a disability (as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) such as speech, motor, cognitive, physical or social/emotional development.  

Early Enrollment Process for Kindergarten if you want to request your child to attend earlier than 5:




Kim Saalwaechter

Director of Special Education/Early Childhood

Phone: 270-639-5083
